
The unreported story about the Palestinians

No leader across the free world wants to be accused of having Nazi sympathies. In the Muslim world, however, it is often worn as a badge of honor. The Russian forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and other racist, virulently anti-Jewish writings are annual best-sellers across the Muslim Middle East, […]

A Christian schoolteacher in Germany refuses to be silent

Millions of sincere Christians are praying for the Jewish people worldwide and for God’s protection of Israelis in the face of terrorism. Herbert Nowitzky, a retired Christian schoolteacher in Germany, has gone a step further. Troubled by the rampant growth of anti-Semitism across Europe (and in Germany in particular), and the unique, fawning relationship between […]

Whoever hits you on the right cheek…

In the Sermon on the Mount, why did Jesus refer to the right cheek (Mt. 5:39)? He could have said left cheek or not have specified any cheek at all. Was this an arbitrary choice or was it deliberate? Imagine someone standing before you preparing to hit you. Whether with an open-handed slap or a […]

The 70-Years’ Miracle

Israel’s rebirth as a state on its own land after 2,000 years is a 70-years’ miracle. The Prophet Isaiah said it over 2,800 years ago: “Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? Or shall a nation be born at once? […]

It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world

The 1963 movie by that name was an epic, 210-minutes-long madcap comedy hit featuring dozens of Hollywood stars. But that celluloid extravaganza was nothing compared with what we are witnessing in real life today, for the world truly has gone mad. Consider the Anne Frank story. The Jewish schoolgirl fled the Nazis and hid in […]

The Midrash* on the Mount, Part 2

In our last edition, we discussed the Sermon on the Mount. There, Jesus explicitly taught faithful observance of the Torah or Law and emphasized its lasting status by referring to a rabbinic homily about the “jot” and “tittle.” We will now deal broadly with the six contrasting statements Jesus made in the same Sermon. Each […]

A special warmth for Jerusalem amid a cauldron of hate

Something peculiar is going on. It’s an extraordinary trend I’ve observed in recent months: Support for Israel is growing, at least for now. • Diplomats and government representatives are flocking to Israel. Their eagerness to witness Israel’s scientific advances, high-tech achievements and security expertise in person are evidence of significantly warmer relations. Officially, there is […]

Breaking the Mold: An Arab Soldier in the Israeli Army

– I came to serve my country and my home Mona Liza Abdo is not to be confused with the famous Leonardo da Vinci painting of a smiling girl. This one is an Arab citizen of Israel. Although not obligated to serve in the Israeli army, she chose to become an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) […]

Politically incorrect: A defiant Arab-Christian among Palestinian-Arabs

– I threw stones at Israeli soldiers Mazzen Warra, interviewed on video by Israeli Hananya Naftali, voices an opinion given scant coverage by the news media. In a fashion typical in the Palestinian-Arab community, he speaks confidently and defiantly, without lengthy explanations, about his conversion and resulting feelings about Israel. You are a Palestinian Christian. […]

Jerusalem – A Burdensome Stone

Yes, Jerusalem, God’s earthly residence for over three millennia (Ps. 46:4 [5]; 48:2) and capital city of the Jewish people. For 50 years now it has been a fully reunited city following a partial occupation by Muslims. Jordan (created out of thin air by the British), occupied part of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967 and […]