62 years of marriage

The Polish Ambassador to Israel, Jacek Chodorowicz, presented medals and certificates of honor signed by Polish President Andrzej Duda to Dr. Hillel Goldberg and his wife Leah in recognition of their 62 years of marriage. Hillel Goldberg was previously decorated with the Silver Medal of Honor by the late Polish President Lech Kaczynski.

Abraham’s Biggest Test: Why?

As Abraham raised the knife to slaughter his son Isaac upon the altar, an angel of the LORD called out to Abraham and said: “Do not stretch out your hand against the lad nor do anything to him, for now I know that you are a God-fearing man, since you have not withheld your son, […]

Why Would God Kill Moses?

There is a bizarre incident early in the book of Exodus that reveals a fundamental principle about God’s relationship with Israel. Brief, it seems secondary to the bigger story of the Exodus. It is, however, at the very heart of the matter. Importantly, the strange episode draws our attention to events today. It serves as […]

The Elephant in the Room

– Why fiction about Israel is converted into truth The people of Israel have a God ordained destiny in the land of Israel. They also have a divinely ordained law to treat fairly the “stranger” who joins the nation. After all, the Jew was also a stranger in Egypt (Exod. 22:21). One of every two Europeans, […]

Prophecy (Part II)

In part two of this series on biblical end-time prophecy, we will look at several examples dealing with Israel’s restoration. These will help us understand current and future events, clear up common misconceptions, and will challenge “politically-correct” thinking. Two important signs of the end time mentioned in the Bible are 1) the return of the […]


Thoughts on Operation Protective Edge and the war on Hamas terror. As the rocket fire from Gaza intensified and Israel’s counter-offensive took shape, issues similar to those in previous conflicts arose. One fact, however, surprised all: The scope of Hamas’ terror infrastructure, specifically the tunnel network that crossed into Israel. Many finally understood the real […]

The Jews: Semites or Khazars?

“The Temple never existed.” “Jesus was a Palestinian.” “The Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites and the Philistines.” Such absurd statements are frequently made today by Palestinian Authority spokesmen in a crude attempt to rewrite ancient history. It is part of a campaign to deny the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel, even […]

Islam in a World of Unbelievers

More than ever before, Christians and Jews are reaching out to Muslims at the leadership level through interfaith dialogue. But there are reasons why this is ill-advised. Desperate to find “common ground,” these interfaith activists invent common ground to substantiate their agenda. They make assumptions about Islam that are just plain wrong.  Within mainstream, not […]