From ancient times, the gentile nations have been engaged in a struggle for might and power. Whenever a nation was strong enough, it simply conquered a lesser one or compelled it to pay tribute money. Sadly, some national or religious groups today look at Israel from the same perspective of power. Israel, by contrast, does not seek earthly power, but rather seeks to be obedient to its God and to help mankind.
The interests of men are naturally focused on earthly possessions and achievements. They ask: What can Israel do for us? Israel helps! After which earthquake, flood, or other tragedy or natural disaster is Israel not there right away to render assistance? Think of the tsunami in Indonesia on September 28, with 2,000 fatalities, 5,000 missing, and 110,000 homeless refugees. Israel sent a team of emergency aid workers within days.
I have heard personally from government leaders in Africa how very thankful they are for Israeli assistance and training in agriculture, not only dealing with the planting of trees and crops, but especially with the installation of irrigation systems.
In technological advances, from smart phones to cyber-technology, Israel is at the top spot worldwide.
More important is the health-care field. And here, too, Jewish doctors perform huge services for mankind. I already knew of such cases in Poland, Germany and other countries before WWII. (Surely, many of our readers will confirm this.) One Israeli doctor has spent decades in Africa providing eye care to tens of thousands of people threatened by blindness due to parasites spread by insect bites.
I know doctors and surgeons in Jerusalem today who are world famous. One professor (I was a patient of his) is so renowned that he performs surgeries overseas over the internet. And yet, despite their fame, in local synagogues they attend, they are called to the Torah the same as others and are addressed by their fellow-members by their first name.
Note that, relative to other faiths, more Jews have won Nobel Prizes than any other group. Does the Eternal keep His promise of blessings to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel)? Surely, to the thousandth generation!
In the sense of serving mankind, consider that with God, it concerns spirit, soul and body. And again, Israel’s election and calling is for the benefit of all the world, for Israel is “for a covenant to the people, for a light to the nations” (Isai. 42:6).
The eternally faithful God has chosen Israel as His mouthpiece to bring the Heavenly message of redemption to the nations. A world existed that had hundreds of gods (idols), including celestial bodies, city gods, desert gods, animal gods, and self-made gods of gold, silver or stone, which could neither hear nor speak. Through Israel, this world was to witness the existence and unending love of the true God, the Creator. “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will be glorified….I will also give you for a light to the nations, that you may be My salvation unto the end of the earth” (49:3, 6).
The written messages of the true God were given through Moses and the Prophets. Think of the Ten Commandments. Think of the teachings of the Patriarchs in the Bible. Our Christian friends know: Jesus, savior of the world, a Jew! He said, “Salvation is of the Jews” (Jn. 4:22). The New Testament was written by Jews. And it states, “unto them were committed the oracles of God” (Rom. 3:2). All Bible believers, all Christians, should see their roots in the Jewish faith and love that nation as the bearer of God’s message of salvation.
It is for Israel without any doubt something indescribably great to be chosen by the Most High. It is something the Jew cannot underestimate, for they were chosen despite being the “fewest of all the peoples” (Deut. 7:7). God Himself says, “Israel is my son, even my firstborn” (Exod. 4:22). The Jew does not see the Christian disdainfully. May also the Christian not see the Jew with envy, jealousy or suspicion. May the Spirit of God lead all in love and humility.