In a parable of Jesus, it says, “While men slept, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went his way” (Mt. 13:25). The life of Bible believers today, whether Jew or Christian, is being altered rapidly, but few are noticing or doing anything about it.
Muslim terrorists are blowing up, chopping up or beheading infidels (non-believers) on a daily basis across Europe, while politicians and journalists deny it is the face of Islam.
In Munich, Ali Daud Sonboly, a pro-Turkish Syrian immigrant (not Iranian), murdered nine people on July 22 before shooting himself. The BBC renamed him as David Sonboly (no point in confusing people or upsetting Muslims, after all!).
Muslim alleged grievances (second-class immigrant status, anger due to historical colonization, victims of racism, etc.) are used as justification for terrorism. But Christians, persecuted in Muslim countries, don’t engage in terrorism.
Almost always, terrorists are denounced as peripheral extremists, not mainstream Muslims. But they’re the same. “Muslims of all sects, races, and sociopolitical circumstances–not just ‘ISIS’–are responsible for persecuting Christians in 41 of the 50 worst nations to be Christian in,” writes Raymond Ibrahim in Middle East Forum (“‘Mere Islam’ and the Munich Massacre,” July 26, 2016). He authors a monthly report on “the nonstop discrimination, persecution, and carnage committed against Christians by ‘everyday’ Muslims–from the highest authorities to the basest mobs.”
The acceptance of Islam is rampant.
Europe has surrendered. After the attack in Nice on Bastille Day, July 14, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls remarked that “France is going to have to live with terrorism.”
About 250 out of 750 churches in one region of the Netherlands have become mosques. The United States now has 3,000 mosques, a new one opening weekly.
At the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia to confirm Hillary Clinton as US presidential nominee, there were more Palestinian than American flags waved in the great auditorium the first night. (The Algemeiner, July 26, 2016)
The world yawns while Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is conducting a Stalinesque purge. Over 60,000 academics, journalists, doctors, teachers and soldiers have been dismissed from their jobs, arrested or worse on Europe’s doorstep.
But the anti-Bible movement manifests itself elsewhere, too: In a crackdown on opposition groups in Russia, a law was passed June 24, which prohibits religious services in homes and outlaws “missionary” activity (i.e. any discussion of God with a non-believer) without a government permit. Asking a non-believer to convert is forbidden, even in church buildings.
It is not too late to seek God’s intervention, pray without ceasing, and study His Word: “This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth; but you shall meditate in it day and night….Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Josh. 1:8-9).