This Time We Know

“Whatever has been is what will be, and whatever has been done will be done, and there is no new thing under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). In the last issue of HASHIVAH, I wrote an essay about the perpetuation of the Nazi spirit and its raging against the Jewish population of Israel today (vol. 35, […]

The Jews: Semites or Khazars?

“The Temple never existed.” “Jesus was a Palestinian.” “The Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites and the Philistines.” Such absurd statements are frequently made today by Palestinian Authority spokesmen in a crude attempt to rewrite ancient history. It is part of a campaign to deny the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel, even […]

Islam in a World of Unbelievers

More than ever before, Christians and Jews are reaching out to Muslims at the leadership level through interfaith dialogue. But there are reasons why this is ill-advised. Desperate to find “common ground,” these interfaith activists invent common ground to substantiate their agenda. They make assumptions about Islam that are just plain wrong.  Within mainstream, not […]

Is Allah the God of the Bible? A Jewish View

Is the Islamic deity, Allah, the same as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? The answer you get will depend on whom you ask. – An Evangelical, fundamentalist Christian will likely reject any suggestion that Allah and God are the same. – An Islamic apologist will be just as adamant claiming Allah is the […]